
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chicago Winter Storm: Kid Paradise, Mom's Nightmare

Wow this is my kids first Chicago snow storm. Growing up on the south side of Chicago, I was very familiar with below zero temps, killer wind chills, and snow snow snow. My kids, however, have spent most of their life in southern Illinois where it usually never snows. 

They were so shocked to see all the snow. My youngest decided to run through huge piles of snow. My oldest was angry because he didn't want to get his new shoes dirty. My 11 year old really took advantage of this new experience. Instead of waiting on the bus stop for the school bus like a good little boy, he decided to start an all out snowball fight with the other kids in our neighborhood. The little ring leader divided the kids up into teams according to what grade they were in and then the snowballs began to fly. The bus driver said that by the time he pulled up he could barely see through the downpour of snowballs flying and the army of 5th and 6th graders running for cover. 

By the time they all got to school, most of the kids were too soaked to sit in class. So the school had no other choice but to call each child's parents to request a dry pair of clothing be brought up to the school immediately. So I had to trudge through ice, snow, and sleet to take him dry clothes and shoes. Oh the joys of childhood, oh the woes of parenthood, lol.

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